How to Choose Air and Water Purifiers?

air and water purifier

Today air and water purifiers are becoming increasingly popular. The market is filled with devices from many of the most diverse manufacturers, specializing exclusively in air purification and water purification. What is essential to know and what to pay attention to when choosing?


Criteria for Choosing an Air Purifier

An air purifier is a device that somehow removes small particles from the air: dust, microorganisms, smoke, and allergens (such as pollen and pet enzymes).

 air purifier

Before buying the device, it is necessary to consider that the machine must cope with the room's air volume. Therefore, it is also worth knowing the parameters of the serviced area and the air exchange rate to make a correct choice.


Serviceable Area

Knowing the exact area of the room to be serviced is the easiest method of selecting equipment. It is enough to calculate the square meters of the available spaces roughly. Adding 3-5 square meters to this number is advisable to ensure the cleaner can cope with its tasks.


Air Exchange Rate

The quantitative parameter indicates how much air flows through the device in 60 minutes. To calculate the parameter, you need to multiply the wall's height by the room's area. Then, to the obtained value, add a small margin. Knowing that a device with a smaller air exchange parameter will not have time to treat the room is worth it.


Noise of Operation

This parameter is worth considering if you buy a unit with a fan. In other types of devices, the noise level does not matter. Most teams operate with a value not exceeding 50 decibels. Sleep or rest when the device is on will not be very comfortable. But during the day, the included device is unlikely to interfere.


Type of Control

It would help if you looked closely at the parameter based on your preferences. For example, the control can be mechanical or digital with a touch screen.


Additional Options

A built-in device that turns the equipment on and off at a time set by the user will help program the cleaner for the desired hours of operation. So, for example, the timer will be helpful if you have to leave for business or work. Remote control will also come in handy for convenience.


Filter contamination sensors are also necessary, letting the user know when the removable elements need to be replaced or washed. Finally, the air condition sensor will allow you to monitor your surroundings and assess the applicant's performance. With an indicator, you can know precisely when the device can take a break and when it urgently needs to be turned on.


Criteria for Choosing a Good Water Filter

The water filter is an item of prime necessity due to the tap's poor water quality. Drinking untreated water is not safe - it can cause kidney stones or intestinal and stomach problems.

 water filter

The Benefits of Purification Systems Are:

- They are protecting household appliances and extending their lifespan;

- They prevent harmful impurities from entering the human body. For example, some types of filters protect against contamination by bacteria, viruses and other pathogens;

- Obtaining tasty water with no extraneous impurities, tastes and smells at the output.


Water Quality Without a Filter

Before deciding which filter to use, it is advisable to check the water quality. It is necessary to check the level of water hardness. You can get by with a flow filter if it is within 8-12 mg-eq/l (milligram equivalent per liter). If more - go exclusively reverse osmosis system, which purifies hard water.


Next, you need to check for organics. If the analysis detects viruses, fungi, bacteria or protozoa in the water, you can also install only a reverse osmosis system.


Filter Size

Before choosing a filter, decide if you have the space to install it. For example, while large cleaning systems under the sink need to be envisioned in advance, there is always room for a jug filter during the kitchen installation phase.


The Need for Maintenance

The filter system must not only be installed but also constantly take care of it:


- Timely change the mechanical purification cartridges - mandatory for any type - after the consumption of a set volume of water or at the end of its service life;


- Change the reverse osmosis membrane - the frequency depends on the quality of water and the intensity of use of the device, on average - every 1.5 years;


- Wash the membrane - it is cheaper, provided that it can be restored by chemical washing with particular acid and alkaline solutions to remove accumulated impurities;


- Flush the valve and monitor its integrity;


- Refill filters - change cartridge fillers, de-ironers, and softeners. You can do it yourself, but the work is complicated and dirty and requires a particular knack, so it is easier to invite professionals yearly.


The more complex the filtration system, the more it needs to be monitored - this is important to consider when buying.


Leading Water and Air Purifier Supplier 

Air purifier supplier "MSPure" presents air and water purification equipment on the American market. This air purifier manufacturer has quickly gained a leading position on the market and today is one of the leaders in producing various products designed for air and water purification.

 air and water filter manufacturer

A wide range of models presented in the market will satisfy the request of any buyer - air and water purifiers with various performance levels, numerous designs, and affordable prices.


All models of air purifiers from water purifier manufacturer "MSPure" have high capacity and first-class quality of purification. Noise level is a competitive advantage over many companies because the silent mode allows you to forget about the cleaner's work. The design of the units is in line with the latest global trends. That is why the products easily fit into any interior. The cost will pleasantly surprise potential buyers!


Without a doubt, air and water purifiers are necessary and valuable devices. The main thing - choose them correctly. And then you will feel how much cleaner and more pleasant the atmosphere in the house has become.